Frequently Asked Questions

Looking for a subcontractor? Want to learn how to use our job board or attend an event? Learn how SWMBIA benefits you and your home building or remodeling business.
If you're looking for an answer to a more specific question, reach out! We will put you in touch with an industry professional that will fit your needs.
We have a member directory built specifically for that purpose. Click here to learn more. Not a member? Become one today.
The resources SWMBIA offers include access to networks of local contractors and trade fairs that increase your exposure to potential business partners and customers.
To use our job board, simply send us your listing description and a link to the job posting. Our team will ensure your post is ready to go live and then post it to our board! From there, anyone who visits the SWMBIA site looking for work will see your posting.
Only SWMBIA members can post on our boards. Become a member today.
SWMBIA hosts two large community events throughout the year—the Parade of Homes and the Home Expo. Each event allows our members to show off the latest and greatest home-building technology to other businesses and future customers. We also have frequent member-to-member socials, trainings and community conversations.
We host members-only events like clay shooting and golf. We try to keep things fun so your team can meet other professionals in the industry.
Visit our events calendar for more information.
We do offer deals on business insurance. SWMBIA members are eligible for enrollment in the Montana Building Industry Association GRIP is... (MBIA GRIP) program—the nation's #1 workers' compensation insurance. Enrollment includes benefits like free training, site consultations, tailored plans, and worksite safety books.
GRIP members may even be eligible for a refund of premiums under the right circumstances. To read more about the GRIP program, visit our Membership benefits page.
A membership with SWMBIA means you receive a reduced price for exhibiting at our trade shows and expos, ongoing education, our member directory, insurance benefits, and resources—including legal referrals. Our team also works to advocate for public policy that benefits our members.
Visit our membership page for more information.
You can join our team by contacting us directly via email or phone.
If you have any questions about dues or your responsibilities as a member, reach out to the SWMBIA office at this phone number (406) 585.8181, we'll be happy to help!
SWMBIA cares is a 501c3 non-profit arm of SWMBIA dedicated to workforce development and educational opportunities within the trades. SWMBIA Cares also works to teach sustainable building techniques to the next generation of Montanans.
The SWMBIA Cares team hopes to lift Montanans up by investing in their future. You can read more about SWMBIA cares on our SWMBIA Cares page.
SWMBIA's branch of Professional Women in Building makes concerted efforts to promote, enhance, and support women within the home building industry. Montana can only grow if all its citizens are invested. We're dedicated to making sure Montana women have equal opportunities within the world of home building. Interested in getting involved? Reach out and learn more today!